Latte art in take-away glasses

Latte art in take-away glasses

December 16, 2024

Latte art tips in take-out glasses

The penultimate part of the training cycle! In this article, we'll look at drawing in glasses with you. How well do they draw, are they better and what pictures can be drawn? Let us answer these questions.

First, the cups draw great with you. But there are some difficulties with complex latte art, which has many elements, yes. Second, classic rosettes are sometimes hard to come by. Personally, they are the hardest to draw in a to-go glass. Due to the too straight shape of the cup, drawing rosettes is problematic; milk cannot spread properly on the surface.

The volume of the cup

Usually a 250 ml glass is much larger than it seems at first glance. Few people know that there will still be space in such a cup if you pour 250 ml of liquid into it.

250 ml of liquid clearly shows how much a glass can actually fit

It can contain 280 ml to the eyeballs. If you draw a glass full of it and think you've made a small cappuccino, then, alas, it's not a small cappuccino at all, but something close to a latte. This point is worth considering.

A tulip in a glass with you

In general, everything is the same as in a regular cup. We also tilt the cup tightly and, as far as possible, the nose to the surface.

Drawing a classic double tulip in a glass with you is not so problematic. The main caveat, do not be afraid to tilt the glass too much before drawing. Many people make a mistake and start drawing late. Don't be afraid to tilt the glass.

Classic tulip in a to-go glass

The result, if you have a bad tulip in your cup, tilt it harder and start drawing earlier. That's probably the problem.


The difficulty of a rosetta in a cup with you is that it is very difficult to make a base in the form of a mutton's horn. It has catastrophically little space and the rosette does not spin well. But you can fix this if you start drawing early, tilt the glass a lot and try to go deeper with the pitcher.

Rosetta in a to-go glass

Complex drawings. It is also quite possible to draw complex drawings in a cup with you. But, if there are many elements in the picture and there is nowhere to put them, a problem arises, since space is limited.

Pegasus in a to-go glass

At the same time, you can easily draw tulips, rosettes, and, in particular, a heart into a glass with you. I will say more: the heart is perfectly drawn in a paper cup. It is much more difficult to draw a heart in a wide cup.

If you take a 0.3 ml glass, it will be even better to draw. There's plenty of room to roam even for complex drawings.

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